Disabled Veterans
- There are many Maryland Knights who own their own companies who may be able to provide a job for a disabled veteran. When possible, we provide a “clearinghouse” for jobs and candidates…
- Determine if there are any business owners in Assemblies or associated Councils and if they are able to hire a disabled vet
- Identify disabled vets thru Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service Program (VAVS)
- The following are locations of the Baltimore VA Medical Centers (VAMC): 10 North Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21210; the Baltimore VA Rehab & Extended Care Ctr., 3900 Loch Raven Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21228; and the Perry Point VAMC, Perry Point, MD 21902
- Once disabled veterans are identified, assist them in developing a resume and making copies to send to prospects
- Provide clothing when possible for job interviews
- Provide transportation to the job interview